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Azure Container Registry (ACR)

If you are running within Azure, and making use of a private Azure Container Registry (ACR) to host your application images, then the Trivy plugin will be unable to scan those images unless access is granted to the registry through a service principal with AcrPull role assigned.

Creating service principal

The following Azure CLI command creates a service principal with AcrPull role assigned, and stores the output including the credentials into SP_DATA environment variable.


Please replace <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>, <RESOURCE_GROUP>, and <REGISTRY_NAME> before running the command below.

export SP_DATA=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ZoraTrivy --role AcrPull --scope "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/<REGISTRY_NAME>")


Once the service principal is created and the credentials are in SP_DATA environment variable, create a Kubernetes secret to store these credentials by running:

kubectl create secret generic trivy-acr-credentials -n zora-system \
  --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_ID=$(echo $SP_DATA | jq -r '.appId') \
  --from-literal=AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=$(echo $SP_DATA | jq -r '.password') \
  --from-literal=AZURE_TENANT_ID=$(echo $SP_DATA | jq -r '.tenant')


If you are running this command before a Zora installation, you may need to create the zora-system namespace.

kubectl create namespace zora-system

Now set the secret name in a values.yaml

        - secretRef:
            name: trivy-acr-credentials
            optional: true

Then provide it in helm upgrade --install command

-f values.yaml

This will now allow the Trivy plugin to scan your internal images for vulnerabilities.