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Zora OSS is installed inside your Kubernetes clusters using Helm, where the zora-operator deployment is created and scans are automatically scheduled for your cluster.


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.21+
  • Kubectl
  • Helm 3.8+

Install with Helm

First, ensure that your current context of kubectl refer to the Kubernetes cluster you wish to install Zora into.

Manage kubectl contexts

The following commands can help you to manage kubectl contexts:

  • List all contexts: kubectl config get-contexts

  • Display the current-context: kubectl config current-context

  • Use the context for the Kind cluster: kubectl config use-context kind-kind

Then, run the following command to install Zora Helm chart:

helm repo add undistro --force-update
helm repo update undistro
helm upgrade --install zora undistro/zora \
  -n zora-system \
  --version 0.7.0 \
  --create-namespace \
  --wait \
  --set clusterName="$(kubectl config current-context)"
helm upgrade --install zora oci:// \
  -n zora-system \
  --version 0.7.0 \
  --create-namespace \
  --wait \
  --set clusterName="$(kubectl config current-context)"

This command will install Zora in zora-system namespace, creating the namespace if it doesn't already exist.

Zora OSS + Zora Dashboard

To integrate your Zora OSS installation with Zora Dashboard, you need to provide saas.workspaceID parameter in installation command. For more information, please refer to this page.

With the following commands, you can verify if Zora has been successfully installed and retrieve installation notes:

helm list -n zora-system
helm get notes zora -n zora-system

Zora Helm Chart

To see the full list of available parameters in Zora Helm chart, please visit this page

If everything is set up correctly, your cluster should have scheduled scans. Check it by running:

kubectl get cluster,scan -o wide -n zora-system

Customize scan schedule

To customize the scan schedule, please refer to the Scan Schedule page.

Once the cluster is successfully scanned, you can check issues by running:

kubectl get misconfigurations -n zora-system
kubectl get vulnerabilities   -n zora-system

Migrating to 0.7

What's new in 0.7

In versions up to 0.6, Zora was installed in a single cluster (referred to as the management cluster) and connected to other clusters (referred to as target clusters) via kubeconfig, requiring only read permissions.

Starting from version 0.7, Zora should be installed in each cluster you want to scan. This significant change, in addition to streamlining the quick start, enables the use of plugins for more in-depth scans of your cluster, thereby providing more insights to help you keep your cluster secure and adhere to best practices.

Migration guide

The recommended way to migrate to version 0.7 is by uninstalling Zora 0.6 with the following steps in your management cluster:

  1. Delete Cluster objects
     kubectl delete --all -A
  2. Uninstall Zora 0.6
  3. Delete CRDs

Then install Zora 0.7 on the clusters you wish to scan!

The ServiceAccounts in the target clusters, which previously contained the tokens used in the kubeconfig files, will no longer be needed and can be deleted.


You can uninstall Zora and its components by uninstalling the Helm chart installed above.

helm uninstall zora -n zora-system

Delete CRDs

By design, Helm doesn't upgrade or delete CRDs. You can permanently delete Zora CRDs and any remaining associated resources from your cluster, using the following command.

kubectl get crd -o=name | grep --color=never '' | xargs kubectl delete

You can also delete the zora-system namespace using the command below.

kubectl delete namespace zora-system